While online trying to buy something, I was frustrated to get the message ‘technical error.’
It didn’t matter what I did, I could not connect and even when it did connect, the connection kept getting disrupted.
I gave up.
As I sat in my frustration, I saw that our lives are just like the ‘technical error’ message we often get.
How often do we throw things up in the air at God but there seems to be static on the line; connection insecure; error message?
Contemplating this at 4am this morning, when I really should have been asleep, I saw how many times when I couldn’t hear from Father God clearly, when there was static on the line, when I felt that I couldn’t connect with Him, that I had to look at my conduit line – my openness of heart.
And to my chagrin and dismay, I found that each time, the busy-ness of my life, my attitude or even straight-out rebellion, was causing the distance between us.
Each time as I would come and sit with Him, He would help me to clear all the trash out of the way, so we could have open communication again.
It really is that simple.
So, clear the airwaves, breathe and open your heart again. Ask for His love to pour down through you and clear out all the junk.