Several years ago, I picked a book up. And couldn’t put it back down again. I sat there and read it cover to cover, then started to read it again. It called to me, deep to deep. An almost desperate need to know Jesus deeper, to cling to Him and never leave His presence again is the legacy of this incredible story.
I’m sure we all have wondered at some time what the hereafter is like, what happens in Heaven? What will our place be like there? And more recently, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?
I have read this book several times. Each time it calls me into a greater understanding of the spirit realm, goodness, life, truth and love.
Written as a fictional account of a vision, but also as prophesy, this book unveils much that has been a mystery. Full of the angelic, detailed in identifying who Jesus truly is, this expressive, amazing book will stoke your dying embers to full blaze and cause your heart to yearn for this revelation of truth. Truly, a breathtaking glimpse of eternity.
by Anna Rountree.