We were living in my Dad's place, glad of somewhere to go after the landlord had sold the house we were renting.
As is my practice, I picked my Bible up that morning and turned to where I was reading: Exodus 28.
It's an old story that even many unchurched pre-believers know well. Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt and the building of the new tabernacle.
BUT, that morning in verse 20, I saw something that I'd never seen before -
Now, I've read my Bible cover to cover countless times, yet I had never seen that word BERYL.
How is that possible?
What made me look it up?
What caused me to research Beryl?
I can only say it must have been Holy Spirit, because out of that has come the I AM BERYL series.
Nothing in the Bible is by accident. It's like the WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS -
All inter-related.
All of value.
How intriguing.
As I’ve researched BERYL over the years, what captivated and charmed me was the many different stones and colours BERYL covers.
There are two types of Beryl:
1) Golden Beryl which is what is talked about in the Bible
2) Heliodor – a stone known for its range of yellow colours, from pale greenish yellow through to deep yellow.
I’ve always wondered why I was more drawn to coloured stones than the traditional diamond. Diamonds do nothing for me; they just look (at a glance, yes I know they have depth), to be a colourless bit of stone.
But the Beryl – now there you have a true gem (pun intended!)
Look at this list of the stones that are part of the BERYL family:
Green – emerald. An emerald has long been my favourite stone. If anyone says they would give me a ring (phone call), I’d always quip – emeralds please.
Blue – Aquamarine, Maxixe. I had never come across Maxixe before, but have learned that it is found in a range of blue colours, the most beautiful being a cornflower blue, and is mined in Brazil. A relatively rare stone.
Yellow – the heliodor and our Golden yellow Beryl stone.
Pink – Another name is Morganite. LOVE Morganite stones. They are so pretty.
Colourless – hmph! - I suppose there has to be a diamond like Beryl stone.
Red – the rarest of all the Beryl family. It is stunning. A deeper red than rubies, red Beryl is estimated to be worth 1000 times more than gold and is so rare that one red Beryl crystal is found for every 150,000 diamonds. Now THAT is a stone worth having.
I tried to find out the frequency range that the Beryl puts out, but couldn’t find anything that didn’t require me to go to university for 10 years to decipher.
When Jesus said: “If these people keep silent, even the stones will cry out in praise.” Luke 19:40
He wasn’t using an analogy. Science has taken a while to catch up with the Bible, proving that ALL creation has a frequency, a vibration, so obviously Jesus knew that and was speaking with a wisdom that’s only taken us 2000 years to figure out.
Just as stones have their own frequencies, so they also have meanings. We all know about birth stones, about healing crystals etc., but what we haven’t figured out until recently, is that according to the Bible, they have their own language, their own meaning.
Beryl in the Bible is actually a masculine noun. It means to be wise, to be pure. To be broken in subjection.
When I wrote ‘IN THE BEGINNING – I Am Beryl’, it was this attitude of being broken in subjection to Almighty God, that really shone through.
AND finally, before I finish this long rambling blog, did you realize that every living thing, ALL creation will be found in the New Jerusalem? That we will be able to converse with them?
Oh, How I long to be able to finally meet this stunning stone that was found first on Lucifers breastplate before he rebelled, and then on Aaron's breastplate.
I wonder what Beryl is up to at the moment?
Yours, charmed by a wee gem stone named Beryl