For the last six months, I’ve been busy writing about Stan and I – the book of Stan'isms.
All about the funny things, the hard things, and also, the difficult times that every marriage encounters. The ways in which we faced our issues, and all the incredible healing that God has taken us through.
It became apparent to us both that this is a story that must be freely available to everyone.
So, we have made the decision to release it in blog form via my website –
There will be a separate blog area and we have entitled it:
Dear Jenny,
It is our desire that you find keys in here for your own life, your marriage, to heal and have a life that radiates the glory of God.
Ask us whatever it is you are struggling with.
We will pray about what you ask, pray for you and then according to our own experience (extensive, very painful experiences), how we healed from that experience, and with the knowledge of what our beautiful Jesus shows us, write a response.
No, your name will never be published – unless of course your name is Jenny 🤣